Sunday, April 30, 2006

Passive Malaysian

i am just being straight...but i do am dissapointed by the passive attitude of Malaysians...
i thought people who love Gackt will support me in making a 100% Malaysian Gackt i too naive to think that i am able to achieve this dream?i don't know..its just i wanted to do something for Gackt, or maybe i wanted him to know in Malaysia there's a group of fans that love and support him all the time. Eventhough we are so far from him, but we will still continue to support and give him all the love we can give to him no matter what. He is just someone we will respect all the time...
I manage to collect 30 person message to send to Gackt for his birthday last year, this year i am on again but collecting only signature...but i get a cold respond from the fans even those who joined me last year. I am really dissapointe...i really am...i know everyone is busy studying, working and stuff, but all i can say if, if you have the determination to send me that signature, you can manage to send..busy is merely an excusse..sometimes i just wanted to give up..but when i look at Gackt pictures and those who already sent thier signature to me and for those who really cared...i held on....

ps:maybe i might offend someone with my words..sorry for that..>.< and for those who support and believe in our dream to create a community in Malaysia for Gackt..thankz so much~!^.^