human itself is a magnificently weird creature i can say.. what makes us so complicated is that
we have this thing called feeling...
sometimes u hate it sometimes you'd love it. u just can't explain the urge, or the sixth sense
or whatever you call it that plays a big part in ur decisions...
Male might think clearly but for female's most of the time we follow our inner voice.... that is when we are called
emotional right? but hey that is what a female made of.. emotion... its ok to be call emotional...
i am emotional too, if i am not i wouldn't be writing this blog out of the blue..
my mind is filled with whole lotta stuff to do but yet my heart asked me to blog..
might make me feel better maybe...XD
just came back from malaysia.... everything in Japan, even my own room seem
so unfamiliar to me... maybe i miss those smiles in malaysia... thinking back now
i and surrounded by warm hearted friends and families who make me feel warm
and made a place for me to go home to....
loneliness + coldness = missing
miss you too. >_<
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